Friday, September 9, 2011

QR-coding on a Friday night? Yes, please!

Sick at home on a Friday night, I found myself perusing the internet for thought babies to inspire me for my freelance project designing business cards for a client. I always like to browse the interweb for inspiration, and, whilst surfing, I came across this fun site with really neat examples of how to incorporate QR codes in your business card design. To me, this is the future. Or maybe it's the now and I'm just catching up. Who knows?

One gentleman designed his card with a QR code that, when scanned by a QR code app for the iPhone, immediately pulls up his contact information in your iPhone for easy contact saving. What a revelation! If you have an iPhone, give it a try. If you have another type of smartphone, try it out and let me what kind of magical things it does for you.

I got a bit obsessive about when/where/how I could use QR codes in my daily life. Could I paste one on my pet? My car keys? My favorite coffee mug? Wouldn't QR-coding be a nerdtastically romantic way to propose marriage to someone? No? Just me?

Well, after geeking out for a while, I figured out how potentially helpful QR codes might be in the unforseen chance I misplaced my phone. I decided to use a QR code generator to whip up this little gem for my lock screen:

 Cool, no? I realize I might be relying on the kindness of strangers in this instance, but in the chance that they're as giddy for gadgets as I am, this may actually work.

Some FREE apps for scanning QR codes on the iPhone are:
- RedLaser
- Scan
- QR Reader for iPhone
- i-nigma
- Qrafter

Give it a try! It's fun, free, and the possibilities are endless. Show me a mindblowingly awesome way you use QR codes in your daily life, and you'll have my utmost respect. Seriously. Do it.

I hope you're all having a much more thrilling Friday than I! But if you're at home QR-coding things, that's okay too.

Happy blogging,


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